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ADR Introduces Smart Boarding And A WhatsApp Chatbot

Two new digital services are now available to travellers at Aeroporti di Roma (ADR): smart boarding and AI-powered real-time flight updates via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp chatbot service

Passengers may get full information on all services offered by Fiumicino Airport, along with real-time flight status updates, using the chatbot service available on WhatsApp. Passengers can access a special chat feature to check the status of their flight at any moment without having to look at the terminal displays by scanning the QR code located in the lower area of the flight data monitors. The purpose of using the messaging app directly is to streamline and improve the traveler’s experience at the airport. Passengers can also obtain current information on all of the services provided by ADR via the Digiport chatbot.

Smart boarding service

Additionally, ADR has introduced the Smart Boarding service, which is only available by QR code, for the 14 gates (E11–E24) of the Molo E non-Schengen boarding area at Leonardo da Vinci Airport. This service uses a system of micro-cameras coordinated by AI to collect and process data on boarding operations in real-time, allowing passengers to view their departure gate live streamed from their cell phones, including detailed updates on how close boarding is to completion. Travellers can make the most of their airport experience by choosing when to line and keeping an eye on the boarding process via their phones.

Digiport platform

Passengers at Fiumicino Airport can access these services directly on their cellphones as well as through the Digiport portal. Over 1,000 passengers a day utilised Digiport in the initial days after it was launched, according to ADR. The Mundys Group strategy, which views innovation as one of the primary levers of strategic development, includes this new project.

Aeroporti di Roma’s Innovation Hub

The new Digiport and Smart Boarding services were developed in part because of partnerships with Airport AI and ZestIoT, respectively. These two startups were involved in the Call4ideas initiative, which was started by Aeroporti di Roma’s Innovation Hub, the first business accelerator for the development of startups in the airport industry and situated in the heart of a terminal (i.e., Terminal 1 at Leonardo da Vinci Airport).\

Emanuele Calà, vice president for innovation and quality at Aeroporti di Roma, explained, “Thanks to these new services, we carry on with our mission to revolutionize the passenger experience at the airport through the use of digital technology: today, travelers can get all their flight info directly on their smartphones, without having to keep looking at the flight information screens. By activating notifications on their smartphones and monitoring the boarding status in real time, travelers will be able to spend their time exploring the airport worry-free, prior to departure.”

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