Resident Weekly

A Exclusive Current Affairs Platform


An exclusive short interview with Mrs. Shahame Dizaei, one of the most successful entrepreneurs in England

Mrs Shahame Dizaei was born on July 2, 1975. She lives in London, Dubai, and Marbella, where she holds British citizenship.

She is a director at Covert Security Ltd., a well-known British business with a global reputation.

She has over 100 employees and holds an honors degree in business administration.

Her particular passions are the creation of one-of-a-kind cosmetic products and the development of property. She is currently attempting to launch her own skincare brand and has a large portfolio of property development projects in London and Marbella.

She is a global Instagram influencer with more than 500,000 followers.

Her activities on Instagram are enjoyed by thousands, and many of her followers regard her as a role model.

As a Legacy member of Annabelle’s club, Home House and Tramp in London, and Art Club Member in Dubai, she is well-known in London’s social circles.

+What distinguishes your work from that of others in this field? What distinguishes your products and services?

-Utilizing the full potential of young and innovative forces and making the best use of cutting-edge technology has been the most significant factor in our differentiation among the three types of organizational agility.

+What other subjects do you work on besides entrepreneurship?

-I have been involved and entrepreneurial in a variety of industries, including commercial affairs, automobile manufacturing, and construction.

+When did you first consider launching your own brand, Mrs. Dizaei?

-Since the collection has so much potential, from the very beginning we decided to build a strong brand that can build community trust by offering a variety of services.

+What advice do you have for people who want to take this path, as someone who has improved over time and gained a lot of experience?

-In my opinion, in order to complete any task successfully, one must first have faith in the process, then explain the objective, then devise a comprehensive strategy, and finally act professionally. If you follow these guidelines, you will have a good chance of success.

+Given the most recent information, what is your primary concern right now?

-Due to the country’s sanctions and economic fluctuations, my main concern right now is stabilizing the collection’s progress. However, we have always tried, with the help of Almighty God, perseverance, and planning, to provide the best result for the collection and respected colleagues who make a living in this company in any way.

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