Resident Weekly

A Exclusive Current Affairs Platform


Dr. Jay Feldman on sharing his passion for medicine to inspire aspiring students and professionals

Are you thinking of launching your first business, but find the idea of it daunting? Imagine owning and spearheading four of them! Speak to any serial entrepreneur, and he or she will tell you, it is not that nerve-racking to…

Rules of Reopening schools from CDC

The Centers for Disease Control Prevention (CDC) discharged rules on Tuesday on how schools ought to revive in the fall. The direction comes as classes, the majority of which have gone online in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic,…

Resilience expert, Dr. Taryn Stejskal Encourages People to Face Adversity and Stay Resilient Amidst the Pandemic

Tough times are upon us. Lives are at risk. People are confined to their homes, and businesses are failing. Healthcare is crippled, and governments are baffled. Patience is being tested, and tempers are flaring. Some adhere to the rules and…

COVID-19 has fueled Telemedicine, and it’s going to be stronger post-pandemic – Dr. Ari Bernstein, MD

The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues to prevail around the world. To date, there’s no vaccine that can prevent COVID-19, and there’s no definitive effective treatment. The virus is spreading so fast that national governments have asked people to self-quarantine—and…

Best Online Fitness trainers of India Virender and Mohan Pabal who have trained Athletes and sports people of India

Fitness plays a vital role in our lives; we are living a life which is surrounded by gadgets and AC. Average Indian today are carrying too much fat because they don’t get a chance for a workout due to busy…

In Oregon 2nd positive hypothetical instance of coronavirus

A family contact of the principal individual to test positive in Oregon for coronavirus has additionally tried positive. A subsequent individual has tried positive for coronavirus in Oregon. As indicated by the Oregon Health Authority, the subsequent individual to test…

For a more beneficial way of life : 5 basic dietary patterns

They’re right around 3 months into the new year and on the off chance that you’ve abandoned your new years goals, no stresses! It’s never past the point where it is possible to begin new and consolidate new propensities. The…

Health: Does ‘coffee’ dehydrate you?

Coffee is one of the most mainstream drinks on the planet. A significant motivation behind why individuals drink coffee is for its caffeine, a psychoactive substance that causes you remain caution and helps execution. Be that as it may, caffeine…

‘Smart Contact Lenses’ may likewise monitor eye health

Eye specialists may some time or another utilization “smart” contact lenses to follow patients’ eye health, early research recommends. A group of researchers in South Korea has stuffed extraordinarily little electronic hardware, batteries and antennae into a delicate contact lens….

With cellular blueprint for lungs, scientists look forward to organ recovery

Utilizing modern screening crosswise over creature species, scientists at Yale have made a cell plan of the human lung that will make it more obvious the structure standards behind lung capacity and disease—and to bioengineer new lungs. The research, distributed…

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