Resident Weekly

A Exclusive Current Affairs Platform


The Eight Legs That Spiders Have

There is by all accounts no optimal number of legs. People have two, canines have four, bugs have six and millipedes can have more than 1,000. So what compelled insects settle for eight legs? “I think the most appropriate response…

Falcon 9 Rocket Successfully Launches And Lands From SpaceX’s Californian Base

SpaceX sent off a Hawk 9 rocket from the Vandenberg Space Power Base in Southern California on Wednesday night. At 9:09 p.m. PDT, the rocket launched from the base with no problems, carrying a group of Starlink satellites into orbit….

A Supermassive Black Hole Discovered By The Webb Telescope Was Created More Than 13 Billion Years Ago

BALTIMORE — The James Webb Space Telescope has made yet another amazing find by spying on an active supermassive black hole further into the cosmos than has ever been observed before. The dark opening exists in CEERS 1019 — a…


The Perseverance rover from NASA has found evidence that suggests organic molecules may be present on Mars. This raises the possibility that life once existed there. Since its appearance on the Red Planet on February 18, 2021, Steadiness has gathered…

By Covering Anodes In Metal Particles, Engineers Increase Battery Life

Prelithiation, which involves coating silicon anodes with stabilized lithium metal particles (SLMPs) and thereby reducing lithium loss and increasing battery life cycles, has been significantly improved by researchers at Rice University’s George R. Brown School of Engineering. This is stated…

Farewell, Ariane 5! During Its Final Mission, Europe’s Workhorse Rocket Launches Two Satellites

Europe’s storied heavy lifter has entered retirement after 27 years of service.The last flight of Europe’s most reliable rocket has taken place. The strong Ariane 5 sent off today (July 5) on the last-ever mission of its celebrated profession, which…

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