Following its September unveiling at an event in Barcelona, the Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro has arrived in India. The wearable boasts a 1.43-inch AMOLED screen, an IP69K rating for protection from water and dust, and a 14-day battery life. The watch has a number of health monitoring functions, such as tracking sleep and menstrual cycles. It will join the 46mm and 41mm Huawei Watch GT 5 models that were introduced in India.
Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro Price in India, Availability
In India, the sports edition of the Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro with a black silicone band costs Rs. 29,999. In the meantime, the titanium-strapped classic model costs Rs. 39,999. Flipkart offers a 46mm version of the watch for sale in the nation. It’s also listed on Amazon.
Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro Specifications, Features
The Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro has a sapphire glass cover and a 1.43-inch AMOLED screen with a resolution of 466 x 466 pixels. There are two sizes for the worldwide variant: 42mm and 46mm. However, only the 46mm version of the watch is available in India. The watch features a rotating crown, an IP69K rating to prevent water and dust intrusion, and a 5 ATM rating.
There are over 100 pre-programmed sports modes on the smart wearable. Among many other health and wellness monitoring functions, the Huawei Watch GT 5 Pro tracks heart rate, sleep patterns, and menstrual cycles. In addition, it has a temperature sensor, gyroscope, barometer, depth sensor, accelerometer, magnetometer, and ambient light sensor.
Huawei explained that the Watch GT 5 Pro has a 14-day battery life. The watch is claimed to last up to five days on a single charge when the Always-On Display feature is turned on. Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth 5.2, and BR+BLE are among the connectivity choices available. According to Huawei, it employs a revolutionary Sunflower Positioning System for improved tracking. The watch body weighs 53g and has dimensions of 46.3 x 46.3 x 10.9 mm.