Resident Weekly

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Jeshurun Markin: Visionary in Financial Innovation

Jeshurun Markin, founder of Bedrock Exchange, embarked on his journey in the financial markets in Kiev between 2017 and 2019. During this period, he observed significant conflicts of interest within the CFDs and Forex markets globally. His findings led him to a stark conclusion: CFDs, which rely solely on price differences of financial assets, are often manipulated by brokers who create illusory markets. This deception can lead traders to invest their life savings, only to face inevitable losses.

Markin discovered that CFD brokers typically benefit from clients’ losses, and their dual-book systems (A book and B book) exacerbate this issue, making it virtually impossible for clients to achieve substantial gains. Motivated by the desire to address these issues, Markin combined his expertise in computer science, finance, and actuarial science to create a solution.

Introducing Bedrock Exchange

Bedrock Exchange, under the umbrella of Infinanze Technologies, represents Markin’s commitment to revolutionizing the financial markets. The platform offers a secure and transparent environment for trading a diverse range of assets, including cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, precious metals, agricultural commodities, energies, stocks, and bonds.

Key features of Bedrock Exchange include:

  • Physical Delivery of Contracts: Ensuring that transactions are grounded in real-world assets.
  • Comprehensive Asset Range: Providing access to various financial instruments to meet diverse investment needs.
  • Secure Transactions: Utilizing an escrow system to safeguard transactions and protect users’ investments.
  • Transparent Operations: Building trust through clear and open practices.

With Bedrock Exchange, Jeshurun Markin aims to redefine financial trading by offering a platform where market participants—ranging from individual investors to institutions—can trade with confidence, knowing that the system prioritizes integrity and fairness.

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