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Stages of composition: from Amiraam language:

In pop music and its derivatives, first, according to the song, it is composed by a live instrument (classical guitar or piano) by the composer, chords and melody are extracted, and these steps (initial composition process) can be done in the presence of the owner of the work. First of all, a composer must have sufficient knowledge of music and be familiar with instrumentation, harmony, counterpoint, conducting an orchestra, etc.

The composer must have the ability to play at least one instrument and be familiar with the piano. Because the composer usually uses the instrument when making a piece and also applies the tone and mood of the piece.

Before composing a song, a composer must choose and define the desired style. It should be determined whether the piece has text and poetry or not. After determining the style, he must decide on the compositional form. Pieces of music often contain the same parts, repeated parts, or different forms. So the composer must specify the different parts of the piece.

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