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WhatsApp Will Soon Provide Customisable Chat Themes

The well-known instant messaging service WhatsApp is getting ready to launch a new function that will let users alter their chat themes.

The purpose of the feature is to allow users to choose their favourite colours from preset themes for chat bubbles and wallpapers.

Feature was activated in beta update

With the WhatsApp v2.24.20.12 beta release for Android, the new chat theme feature has been successfully enabled, offering an early look at its capabilities.

With a greater selection of preset wallpapers, users will have more settings to pick from.

The colour of the chat bubble will be changed to blend in with the selected wallpaper in these presets, providing a unified visual experience across platform chats.

Adjustable darkness levels

Apart from synchronising colours, the novel function will enable users to modify the degree of darkness associated with their preferred theme.

This implies that, depending on their preferences, people can progressively switch between a light and dark theme.

Once chosen, a theme will be applied automatically to all chats, though it can be changed manually in certain talks if needed.

Chat themes are user-specific

It is noteworthy that the selected theme will be exclusive to the individual who selected it.

Each chat participant will have a customised experience because other chat participants will see the theme they have selected on their own devices.

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