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Youna Ahmadi, an Iranian singer and composer who achieved great fame at a young age

Youna Ahmadi is a famous and popular Iranian singer who, with his ability, performs the steps of composing poems and melodies, arranging, mixing and mastering music himself.

Youna Ahmadi was born in September 2000 in Tehran.
He started his life in a completely artistic family and interested in music.

His grandfather was one of the most famous violinists in the country, and he has known the violin since he was a child.
Jonah says that because his grandfather was a violinist and had some kind of musical roots in him, at the age of 11 he became more serious about music and started singing.

From the age of 11, I went to music education classes and started working in this profession with the help of important music teachers.

At the age of 15, I was able to make and publish my first music. Learning music at a young age had the greatest positive effect on me learning this profession.

After a lot of effort and significant progress, I was able to sign my first official and professional music contract with a reputable and well-known company in the country at the age of 18.

Due to the release of his songs and the creation of new and successive music as the youngest professional singer in the country who has the ability to compose poetry, melody, arranging, mixing and mastering music, a new chapter in the art of music and singing in Country music opened.

Currently, I have written most of the poems that I use in my music, I have arranged all the music myself and I can boldly say that 90% of the work and steps of making my music are on my own.

In addition to publishing music, I am also learning and teaching professional music.

Also for those people who want to become a singer, I must say that it is one of the most enjoyable and tempting artistic activities in the field of singing music. Reading has many fans in all countries in all languages. We all like to express our words in the language of music with a beautiful melody.

According to many singing and singing teachers, anyone who has a healthy larynx can sing and practice by practicing! Many people worry that they may not sound good, but this is a relative matter. If you practice and read correctly, there are definitely some who enjoy reading. Do not forget that those who say the majority have good voices are still some who They do not enjoy their voice and it is unpleasant for them, so the important thing is to read correctly, which is possible by practicing and teaching principles.

To become a reader, you must take a few important steps, first learning theory and salfage.

You may not know it, but many professional singers in our country can not perform live. You have all been to concerts of famous singers. Of all these singers, only a few can perform without any problems.

Singing, like any other profession, requires practice and patience! The advice of the great masters is that you should practice and practice and at the same time be patient and let your voice take shape and progress, so it is better to be patient and do what is right.

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